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Getting a Connecticut Home Insurance Quote

People all over Connecticut buy homeowners insurance every day, so it should be a simple enough process, right? Maybe for you it's a little more anxiety-provoking and you are concerned you might overlook the one event that will happen to your house or your family while in your home. Then what, right?

It's better to err on the side of overbuying coverage until you have figured it all out and understand what you are buying. Do you buy or skip the falling objects coverage, skip the acts of terrorism and war or put all your bags in the fire and brimstone category? These are all known as perils.

Fortunately, you can rest easily as long as you buy the average homeowners insurance policy. They list out specific perils for which you are protected. Such events as falling objects, such as the dreaded tree branch that cannot take on anymore snow without cracking off and crashing down on your house. That air craft that parks itself on crash landing into your living room is also often covered.

The greatest failure would be to skip reading your homeowners insurance policy and blindly sign up for the policy with the lowest quote. Sure, you are smart about insurance and play nobody's fool, so you seek the lowest priced quote.

Instead, read the details. Make sure you are covered against hurricane strength winds, fire, theft, vandalism and anything else your imagination could concoct that might impact your family. Be sure to ask your insurance agent questions to your heart's content.

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Another Role of Posing Questions

When you make contact with the insurance agents who send you quotes you are making another great step toward picking your next insurance carrier. You are building rapport with them. It definitely matters how comfortable you feel with a potential carrier.

Likewise, if you get the run-around and wait two days before hearing back about your questions, you might be better off looking elsewhere for your next policy. Connecticut residents have an excellent resource that provides great information: Connecticut Insurance Department.

Connecticut is Expensive Enough, Find Ways to Save

You need another big ticket expense like all Connecticut residents need another January heating bill and property tax bill. The good news here is that there are many ways to reduce the cost of your homeowners insurance.

The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety developed proven tips for proactive homeowners to prevent insurance claims and damages.
Ways to prevent winter damage inside your home during freezing weather:

  1. Leave cabinet doors in kitchens and bathrooms open to prevent pipes from freezing.
  2. Leave faucets on to drip overnight to prevent freezing pipes.
  3. Seal exposed exterior walls to stop pipes from bursting.
  4. Ensure water drains off the roof to prevent "ice dams" from forming to keep your home dry and protected from damage.
  5. Ensure attic ventilates properly to prevent ice dams.
  6. Insulate attic floor.

Likewise, protect your home from water damage simply through the following tips.

  1. Stick around after flushing to ensure the toilet does not overflow. If it does start to, shut off the water with the valve near the base of the toilet.
  2. If the toilet continues to fill itself up or runs, it might be time to replace the tank kit, flange. It is approximately 10 dollars and saves you thousands in claims.
  3. Replace washing machine hoses ever five years. Buy high-quality hoses.
  4. Inspect pipes for condensation and corrosion every six months.
  5. If your water bill spikes, you might have a leak. Fix it to save money and potential water damage.

There are a handful of odds and ends that prevent damages too.

For instance, if you have any siding that's in disrepair, make sure water cannot get behind it. It is the barrier between the outside and your interior walls. Replace siding if it's in disrepair. Same for roofing.

Have a roofer come in a replace flashing that diverts water away from your house before it gives out, causing damage to your home.

In addition, prior to winter, have an arborist, or tree expert, come out to trim back dead limbs that might fall onto your home. It's less dangerous to hire an expert than to risk falling off a ladder or cutting at the wrong angle, which makes trees fall on your home.

Make Extra Efforts to Protect Your House

Maybe you chose to live closer to the coast to encourage family gatherings. You might pay higher premiums for it. Ask your insurance carrier how you can save more money on your policy by adding flooding and storm prevention to your home. Such items as hurricane shutters could help keep storms outside and insurance premiums in check.

Typically, the following will also keep your insurance rates lower than other Connecticut homeowners:

  1. Non-smokers
  2. Security alarm
  3. Fire monitoring
  4. Smoke detectors
  5. Close proximity to a fire house
  6. Close proximity to a fire hydrant
  7. Excellent fire and emergency rescue services
  8. Excellent credit history of on-time payments

Maximize Savings by Comparing Insurance Quotes

Another excellent way to cut the cost of coverage is just by taking the time to compare insurance quotes every year when your policy comes up for renewal. You might think that you are getting the best rates because you are a long-time valued customer.

Instead, sometimes the insurance carrier you have been with for years pads your bill a bit to provide a luring teaser rate to new customers. Yes, you are sometimes used to get the insurance company new business.

You might also find that you save more even after a decade because of multi-line discounts and a good spread of years without any insurance claims. It is a toss-up and that's why it's always worth comparing insurance quotes every year.

If you are in Connecticut and want to save money, it can be done, even on homeowners insurance. Take the time out to perform regular preventive maintenance, especially before fall and winter weather starts in earnest. It saves you worry, hassle and allows you to enjoy time spent in front of the fire cuddled up to your family.

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